Free Flow CPD

For the Solution Focused Hypnotherapist

Would you like to bring more variety to your clients’ trance sessions? Or possibly you want to be more creative or simply bring in a bit more relevance depending on your clients’ interests?

This online CPD is designed for solution focused hypnotherapists who know, and understand, the importance of repetition in trance, but who want to bring in a bit more flexibility.

The primary aim is to show you how to make up trance wording whilst in session, to ‘go with the flow’. We will also explain how to create language patterns in advance of sessions in order to use on a repetitive basis.

We will cover the following:

  • If I can, then you can! (Nicola’s journey to writing)
  • Free-flow or create scripts
  • How to start
  • What to do (and what not to do)
  • Topics and ideas
  • Putting words to paper
  • Structure
  • Final tips and Artificial Intelligence!


Nicola GriffithsNicola Griffiths
Clinical Hypnotherapist
DHP, HPD, MNCH, SFBT Sup (Hyp), AfSFH (Fellow)

Nicola trained at CPHT with David Newton in 2007 and by 2009 had a strong full-time practice in place. She qualified as a supervisor in 2012; became a CPHT Lecturer 2015 and was awarded a Fellowship of the AfSFH in 2022. Nicola has been free flowing with trance for many years and has enjoyed a high level of success using this method. The clients seem to enjoy it too!

Please note, this CPD is only suitable for hypnotherapists who have specifically trained in the solution focused approach. Please email me if you have any queries at


Dates for forthcoming workshop are:

  • Saturday 1st February 2025

Timings: 9.30am to 2pm with a 30-minute comfort break.
Venue: Online via Zoom

Feedback from previous courses

“The Free flow course on Tuesday was brilliant! I have been ad-libbing (adding small changes of my own to original scripts) all week since then. Feeling so confident doing it and really feeling that I’m helping the clients more specifically, think they’re appreciating it too!”

“I found the workshop really useful. The content and collaboration really helped with my goal of getting into the creative flow. It inspired me so much I wrote my own language pattern in the afternoon!”
“Nicola’s approach to encourage participants on the course to Free Flow in trance work made it so easy. I’m a fairly experienced hypnotherapist and found my written language patterns my ‘safety net’, lacking in confidence to ‘go it alone’. Not now! We went through various playful exercises which helped to build confidence and just play around in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Needless to say it was a lot of fun too! I’ve now introduced Free Flow in trance work when I deem it appropriate. I highly recommend you dip your toe in the water if it’s something you’d like to do.”

PayPal Booking

Please book this CPD using the PayPal facility below. If you do not have a PayPal account you can also pay by Debit or Credit card.

Alternatively, get in touch with me to book direct.